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Cape Verde in the Top 20 destinations for French tourists in December 2024

What were the best and worst destinations in December 2024? Let’s take a look with the Orchestra Barometer for L’Echo touristique.

Overall, tour sales made by physical and online travel agencies were flat in December 2024 (-0.3%) compared to December 2023. The dynamics were better in the previous months, in September (+2.6%), October (+10%) and November (+3.1%), according to the Barometer Orchestra for L’Echo touristique.

However, some destinations with relatively small budgets are achieving excellent results. These include Egypt (+54.2%), which is gradually regaining its position despite the conflicts in the Middle East, and Tunisia (+46.2%). In a great third place is Cape Verde, which attracted more tourists in terms of business volume (+44.6%) with an average price increase of around 8%.

Martinique declines by 37.7%

Conversely, other destinations are suffering compared to December 2023. Mexico, Mauritius, Guadeloupe and Martinique are all down more than 30% year-on-year. Martinique will see the biggest drop in bookings at 37.7%, due to social unrest at the end of 2024. Unsurprisingly, airlines in the French West Indies are cutting prices significantly. This is also leading to a fall in average prices for stays in these remote islands.

In L’Echo’s top 20 destinations, prices are on the rise for a total of 14 destinations.

Each month, L’Echo touristique publishes a Destination Barometer, produced by the Orchestra platform, which corresponds to the sales made by travel agents in French offline and online agencies.


Source : L’Echo touristique (edited)

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